After having fun with Baby G and his twin cousins, I headed over to my friend E's house. Do you remember her newborn twins from a few months ago? Well, they are darling, bright eyed 3 month old babies now. And there isn't a darn person who can tell them apart yet. Yet E says to me "do you REALLY think they are identical Chantel?". Erm, yes E, I really REALLY do. ;)
M is the 'older' sister by 2 minutes:
E is the 'baby':
And together, they are some of the yummiest photo ops ever
I love me some twins. I think the universe knew what was good for me by sending me my own set. E, I'm SO glad our babies brought us together. I treasure this role I get to play in the life of you and your babies.
Love, Chantel
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